

Welcome to this quarter’s edition of our new newsletter.
As we transition into Spring, we are excited to bring you another avenue of the latest updates, insights and goings on from within our community here at Waihi Lifecare.

Whether you already follow our Facebook page (Waihi Lifecare Aged Care Facility) or you are new to us, exploring upcoming events or discovering new activities, we hope you find this issue both informative and heartwarming.

Message from our Facility Manager

Message from our Facility Manager

We have finally made it to spring and survived progressive Covid 19 outbreaks during the winter season. Two of these were because of large family gatherings our residents attended. Just a reminder to please stay away if you are sick and remind those around you to do the same. Older persons are more vulnerable to winter illnesses with a lower immunity.

Last week we held a morning tea for family members to attend. During this meeting I reminded families to name new clothes brought into the facility and showed them the box of unnamed clothes we collect on a weekly basis. There is even a separate box for socks! We received lots of positive feedback about care, laundry, cleaning and activities.

We are in the process of renovating three rooms in the rest home so there is extra noise right now. We are also looking to upgrade the front garden. Planning is already underway for the residents Christmas Party in December. We will be letting you know these dates once they are confirmed.


Our Furry Resident

Hi my name is Simba.

If you haven’t yet seen me riding on mobility walkers, trying to steal pens, sniffing fake or real flowers or laying on laptops
or keyboards then I’m not sure we have met yet!

The owners of Waihi Lifecare installed a microchip cat door for me, however that is so last season, I much prefer humans
letting me in or out when I am ready!

I am very routined as are my fellow elderly housemates. I go to bed at 4.30pm with my dinner and am let out at about
7.30am to roam and wish everyone a happy day.

Some call me Simba, others call me Gary or Colin and then I’m known to the owners as the “Million Dollar Cat” due to
my horrendous accident a few months ago and the preceding surgery that I endured.
In theory it must mean I have 8 lives left……..🫣

PS – I do love receiving treats….just saying!

New Residents

We welcome permanent residents and residents who we have the privilege of caring for in a temporary capacity.

Recently we welcomed : Tom, Isabel, John D & John C.

New Staff

At Waihi Lifecare we have a great team providing your loved ones with the care and dignity they deserve, regardless of the stage of life they are in. We all work extremely hard in different areas of the business so no matter what their title is, we all play an important role.

Welcome to the following staff : Rose (Cook), Ava (Kitchen Hand), Komal (Kitchen Hand), Rajbala (HCA).

Did You Know?

Van Trips
1pm Thursdays

Church Service
10.45am Tuesdays

1pm Mondays

Just a few reminders

Please remember to sign in and out at Reception when you come to visit. This is a Health & Safety requirement. If you plan to take your loved one out, please also ensure a staff member is notified so we do not send a search party to find them.

Visiting Hours are 10.30am until 3.30pm Monday to Sunday. Lunch for our residents is midday so should you choose to visit at this time, please do not be offended if you are asked to remain in your loved ones rooms while they enjoy their main meal. We encourage all residents to consume their meals at the communal dining rooms.

Staff Members of the Month

Each month we recognise the efforts and hard work of our staff out on the floor each and every day. These nominations are submitted to Management by our staff themselves. They are rewarded with a voucher and recognised at our staff meetings or in our staff monthly newsletter.

Save The Date

How exciting, Christmas isn’t too far away (dare I say).

This year we will be holding a morning tea for our families to join us along with their loved ones. There will be entertainment and a special jolly visitor to spread further joy!

Where have we been?

We have been to Waihi Beach, Bowentown, Katikati Museum, Gold Mine just to name a few.

Who has been to visit us?

Diamond Sands Ponies, Summerset Katikati and the Dancing Divas……