
Hospital level care is provided for those residents who have a significant disability or medical concerns, in a warm and caring environment . A professional and compassionate service is delivered by a team of highly qualified nurses and caregivers, 24 hours a day, and covers all aspects of personal care from medication and pain management to ongoing emotional support.

We provide the following:

  • 24 hour nursing care
  • Great food
  • Home comforts
  • Peaceful setting
  • Wonderful staff
  • Spacious relaxing areas
  • Wifi and TV access

Respite Care

Short-term stays, or respite care services, are available to those who are unwell (eg, recovering from an illness or hospital stay) or who simply are in need of extra support. Whether it’s for a couple days or a few weeks, this gives the patient a change of scenery and allows their usual carer to take a break.

Under 65s with long term disability or chronic illness

Long term care is available for young (under 65 years) physically disabled or those with chronic long term illnesses, who require assistance with self-care, communication or general mobility. We have a great team of skilled and experienced care staff, who work closely with residents to nurture and maintain optimum independence and control.

GP Inpatient Service

Our highly professional Waihi General Practitioners can admit patients who become unwell and require more support/medical care than can be provided for them at home. This service includes “emergency or unplanned respite” where an immediate response is required to avoid admission to a public hospital.

End of life – Palliative Care

At this challenging stage of life we offer medical, emotional and physical support in an environment that provides comfort, privacy and dignity for the resident and their family.

Transition to Home Post-Acute Convalescent Care

A public hospital can refer patients who are unable to return home safely in the interim because of;

  • An acute illness/episode from which they are expected to recover within 10-14 days
  • A period of non-weight bearing is required (up to 42 days) post fracture
  • Where there is a need for home modification/equipment that is leading to a delayed discharge home and the patient has otherwise completed their acute episode of care.


Short-term stay for those who have endured an accident and now require a period of time to rest and recover from this event due to ongoing issues or surgery. A contract will be arranged with the patient’s ACC case manager and Waihi Lifecare team to ensure that they have access to any additional services they may require, and to develop a plan for the patient’s return home with support.